Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You're not alone.

In class when we received the handout on the different types of personalities that are involved in a group project, I was so surprised that the writer of the article was basically dead on! I know when I have been paired or grouped with people for a project, sometimes the person(s) I'm with just doesn't cut it when it comes to completing work in a timely manor or being equally involved in the project.  Up until the other day, it was hard for me to see that that is the problem, not just with me, but with most everyone.  I always thought that luck just wasn't on my side.  I never thought that others were having the same problems as me.

The thing that gets me the most is how can these people who don't get involved in the group projects feel good about themselves with the grade that was earned by someone else.  For me, I am always willing to go the extra mile for a good grade and if that means doing someone else's work because they are slacking, then I will do so.  That doesn't mean that I'm the "Controller" of the group.  I'm just basically looking out for myself and my potential grade.  If someone else (if there are more than two people) wants to take on the "slackers" portion of work, then go for it, just as long as it gets done.

I'm hoping that the group project in English 314 won't be like the other projects that I've had in the past.  I hope, with this article, that people will not want to become those personalities the writer of the article described.  Also, I hope people will work harder knowing that each person in each group will be looking out thinking of those personalities and labeling people as the semester continues on.


  1. I think that some people will work harder because we are now all aware of the different types of group members. I too will do more than my part if it is necessary to pick up the slack, because to me, getting a good grade is very important. Sometimes, you've just got to do it yourself.

  2. I thought the same thing considering the article. I feel like people in the class that are the slackers might try and pick up speed to not be "labeled" as some of the negative names from the article. Also, i like the fact that we had some say in who was in our groups. A lot of teachers prepick groups so students don't just huddle towards friends. This makes no sense because the likelyhood of everyone doing work in a group of friends is more likely compared to a group of random people.
