Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Instructions, What Are They?

So, all our life we've been getting all these instructions on what to do, how to do something, when to do it, where it needs to be done, etc, etc.  We've also been giving instructions all our life to someone else on the same things.  Usually when we are the ones giving the instructions we know that topic so well, we feel confident that we can guide someone else on how to do it, how to get there, etc, etc.  Have you ever sat down and thought about how important instructions are to your every day life? Everything we do is instructed at some point or another.

Lets look at a regular day for a college student.  When we get up and get in the car to go to school, we have been instructed on how to drive the car to actually get to school.  Once we're at school we've been instructed to park in certain areas that are designated for students and we've been instructed on where to go to get to our classes.  Once we get into class, we're instructed on what to do for our assignments, how to do the assignments, and so forth.  Almost everything we do in our daily life has been instructed at some point or another.

For our instruction assignment, we're actually going to be instructing the class on how to do something that most of us will not be familiar with.  Once again, that is an instruction.  Can you think of anytime in your life where you haven't been instructed for one entire day? Meaning, whatever you're doing that day, you've never in your life been instructed on.  I think it's impossible...


  1. I never thought about it like that haha. But it's true, cause i guess at one point there was the time when we were instructed to a point on even how to walk, talk, spell, write, ect. Good thing there wasn't always an introduction to read though haha. I guess now that we've learned the basics, it's time to thoroughly read and write instructions that include an introduction.

  2. That is a good point. Everything has instructions. They are not always good instructions though. That is why it is important that we know how to write a decent set of instructions because throughout our workplace we will most likely be "instructed" to create some instructions.

  3. Very good point. Instructions are a key part to learning, and we are constantly learning and improving upon things. It reminds me of when we learned about rhetoric in this class, and how we realized how big a role it actually plays in our life.

  4. You brought up an interesting idea, Jessica. We have been instructed to do almost everything from brushing our teeth to what to wear. An important part of this, though, is that we have had the choice to listen or not. Throughout our lives we have been able to choose whether or not to follow those rules or instructions presented to us...and those choices are what make us unique. Some of us have conformed to social norms of having a cell phone, wearing what's "in style," or listening to "popular" music; others have chosen a different path. Either way, all of us have been presented with those instructions whether verbal, written, in pictures, or viewing the actions of others. We should keep in mind these different mediums of providing instructions in mind when creating our own.
