Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Over My Head!!!

Have you ever felt that something was "over your head" and you had a hard time comprehending it? Well, that is how I felt in English today! I understand the concept that technical writing is more than just a list of instructions, but that article today I thought was way to complicated and I hardly understood a word of it.  I also had a hard time keeping up with the discussion today as well.

The thing that I got from the article that I actually comprehended was that technical writing should be clear and concise because if you aren't clear about something then it can seem cloudy to someone else (even if it's clear to you) and harder to understand.  Try not to "decorate" it up to where it is harder to comprehend or can't be comprehended at all.

To me, this article today was really decorated because as we all know, I didn't understand a dang bit of it (minus that one small portion)!! How do you feel about today's article? Maybe I can get some insight from someone who does understand and who does comprehend.

I know this post is really short this time, but I figured I would try and get a better grasp on it by making you aware of my problem!


  1. I agree with you that what we have been reading isn't written in a technical style. But, to form an opinion about what technical writing is and ultimately define it, maybe we need to read material that elaborates on it, however wordy and decorated it may be. I too had trouble with what we read on Tuesday, and I would much rather read articles that are direct and to the point.

  2. I was kind of confused a little as well, but i basically just got that writing in general, whether it be technical or not will never be fully transparent for everyone. Everyone speaks, understands and learns differently and always will.

  3. I think that everything should be written in a direct manner, with no excess words and decorating to eliminate on all the confunsion. The more decorating and words the more hard it is going to be to follow and understand.
