Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Commissioned Document

I can already say that this blog isn't going to be as long as they have normally been because of a massive work load that just seemed to magically appear all in one day.  Anyways, we've now gotten into our project that will be lasting the rest of the semester basically.  I have to say that I'm kind of excited because the company that we are writing a document for is the company that I currently work for, and hopefully they will give me a full-time job once I graduate.  The company is Total Nutrition Technology and they deal with weight loss and changing bad habits to a lifestyle of healthy habits.  Also, the topic of our document is about nutrition which obviously interests me since that is my major and it won't be so dull throughout the semester when I'm working on it and I feel that I will put more effort into it since I will like doing the research.

That being said, who are you doing your commissioned document for and does it make you excited like it does me?


  1. This project works out well for you then! You can apply what you already know about nutrition, and along the way impress the people you work for. The project we're doing is for an engineering facility that one of our group members works for. I don't know that much about engineering, but I think it will work out because we're going to provide an overview of all the projects the facility is working on. It will be for the general public, so all the little technical things I may not be as informed about should not be a problem. I think it should be interesting though, and I'm ready to actually start working on the project.

  2. It's great that you're so excited for this project, and that it could have great benefits for you in the future. My group plans on creating a portfolio of documents for Coaches 4 Character, a nonprofit event held by the Potential Youth Foundation. While I don't know much about this foundation or the event yet, I'm looking forward to helping them out because it seems like a great event for kids.
