Thursday, August 26, 2010

What Is Rhetoric?

So this is my first blog that I've ever really done. I have to do it for English so I thought that I would write about rhetoric since that was the first topic that we've been discussing in class.  So...What is rhetoric? To me, this is actually a complicated question because according to the reading we were assigned, rhetoric has SO many definitions!  So I thought that I would say what rhetoric means to me instead of going on and on about all of rhetoric's definitions.  As I was growing up, the only time I hear the word "rhetoric" was when someone would say, "That was a rhetorical question."  As of a couple of months I learned that rhetoric was more than just a "rhetorical question", to me, rhetoric was a type of persuasion.  It can be a good type of rhetoric or it can be a bad type of rhetoric.  If someone is persuading you to buy drugs from the street and is giving you such a good reason why you should; that is bad rhetoric, but if a doctor is trying to persuade you to have a surgery because you need it; that is a good type of rhetoric.  

Up until this English 314 class, I didn't fully understand what rhetoric was and what it really means, so what is your story behind rhetoric and what does it mean to you?